
Skilled crafts and vocational training belong together

Passing on knowledge and values is an important part of any apprenticeship, regionally as well as globally. KH incorporates these values in its daily work and is motivated to export these values internationally in their development cooperation projects.

Vocational education is an important part for one’s personal and social development. The so-called journeyman’s travel (German tradition of Wanderschaft) aims at acquiring further knowledge in other companies and different surroundings for three years after completing an apprenticeship. KH has reinterpreted this concept of Wanderschaft, applying it to other regions of the world – because passing on expertise and soft skills transcends the German border.

For the international team at KH, partnership is the biggest motivation. With hands-on mentality, KH makes its contribution to a sustainable development not only here but all over the world. KH is always delighted to welcome craftsmen and women from all over the world.

We are partners, not consultants.