South Africa
Vocational Education and Training Partnership (BBP)
BODY sequa gGmbH
PARTNER uMfolozi TVET College in Richards Bay
TIMEFRAME 2015 – 2022
Overall Objective
Practice-oriented vocational education and training contributes to a higher level of qualification and employment of youth and young adults as well as to an increase in productivity and competitiveness of businesses in South Africa.
Project Objective
The employment opportunities (employed or independent) of uMfolozi TVET College graduates have improved.
Result 1
The “Construction Centre of Excellence” has been qualitatively refined and quantitatively expanded.
Result 2
The uMfolozi College sustainably implements dual vocational training in cooperation with the private sector.
Result 3
The Entrepreneurship Centre is established as a platform for start-ups in Richards Bay and the surrounding area.
The partnership program with uMfolozi TVET College in Richards Bay, South Africa was initiated in 2015 as an official BBP (Berufsbildungspartnerschaft) project by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and ended with great success in 2022. As the official implementor, team International at KH is more than proud of what has been achieved. The six-year-long partnership has been carried out in two phases over three years each. All the goals and objectives set for this project could have been achieved within the set timeframe.
All the goals and objectives set for this project could have been achieved within the set timeframe. As planned, qualified, dual apprenticeship structures have been set up, according to the needs of the local economy and based on the best parts of the German dual apprenticeship system. Due to the many expert missions and mutual visits, a vocational educational program has developed over the years that young people in KwaZulu-Natal can now profit from. For example, a Centre for Entrepreneurship was set up for start-ups and a so-called Double Up Bonus House was built on campus – a model house that trainees from the construction sector can use to gain practical experience. The trust among the general population towards the college and its vocational education has improved now that it is able to support the local industry with skilled craftspeople.
There is a consensus among all partners that this partnership will influence future projects in South Africa for many years to come.