Education work internationally in Jordan

The educational work of the Steinfurt Warendorf District Association of Skilled Crafts is always regional, but also always international.

On behalf of the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), the Steinfurt Warendorf District Chamber of Skilled Crafts is implementing a project in Jordan financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development that includes consulting and training services for better employment opportunities for youth, young adults and women in the skilled crafts sector. Another focus is on designing an image campaign for the skilled trades in Jordan. At present, KH Chief Executive Frank Tischner and Head of Education International Aika Drescher are in Amman. Her topics are the second phase of the image campaign for Jordanian crafts, the talks with politicians, visits and planning of outreach to and with partner organizations, and also the area of establishing renewable energy.

First on the agenda was a visit to the partner organization Princess Taghrid Institute (PTI), where several training sessions in the bakery trade have already been held by dedicated master bakers and confectioners from our region and are due to be held again soon. There Frank Tischner could also hand over the generous donation of the insurance broker agency DHG from Emsdetten, which would like to support the work of the Kreishandwerkerschaft and had equipped a large suit-case with many kinds of equipment for the baker training. Subsequently, a coordination meeting on the second phase of the image campaign took place at the partner organization EFE (Education for Employment). Online access was provided by short-form experts Jörg Kersten and Miriam Benassi, who helped develop and implement the campaign, which will be published shortly.

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